We administer floodplain determination & floodplain development permitting for property located in unincorporated areas of Washington County.
Because Washington County participates in the National Flood Insurance Program, a permit and authorization are required before any development/construction within the floodplain begins.
Development/construction occurring outside the floodplain does not require a floodplain permit.
To apply for a floodplain determination/floodplain development permit, click on the following link
Floodplain Determination/Development Permit
Floodplain Services Directory
Please email completed application to: wcrboffice@washingtoncountytx.gov
See Fee Schedule for payment amount, all fees are non-refundable
To pay online: Go to Certified Payments (enter Bureau Code 9235584 and Account Number 1 if needed).
To pay by phone: Call Certified Payments toll-free at 1-866-549-1010 (enter Bureau Code 9235584 and Account Number 1 when prompted).
For assistance with online and phone payments, call Certified Payments at 1-866-539-2020.
The permit application, fee, and planning materials must be submitted to this office for review and authorization before work begins.