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Washington County Environmental Health

Washington County Seal

A Division of

Washington County Engineering and Development Services
3650 Highway 36 North
Brenham, Texas 77833
Phone 979-277-6290

Office hours are from 7am until 4pm, Monday through Friday (except 2025 Holidays)

Our goal is to serve the citizens of Washington County and our many visitors by protecting public health and preventing pollution.  We strive to provide efficient, courteous, and timely service, mindful that our actions must be based on common sense, good science, and fiscal responsibility.

Spring Cleanup March 2025

Mill Creek Watershed Riparian & Stream Ecosystem Workshop April 2025

Household Hazardous Waste Collection April 2025


    We administer on-site sewage facility (septic system) permitting throughout Washington County.

    All new, altered, repaired, or enlarged septic systems require a permit before work begins, regardless of acreage.  Routine maintenance such as tank pumping does not require a permit.

    To apply for a septic permit, click on Septic Permit Packet


    Septic System Services Directory

    Aerobic Maintenance Directory

    Washington County Rules for On-Site Sewage Facilities (County Order)


      Septic System Maintenance Providers working in Washington County are required to register with Washington County Environmental Health.  Maintenance contracts are only accepted from maintenance providers whose registration is current and in good standing.

      Maintenance Providers: registration is free of charge, please complete our Maintenance Provider Registration Form and email it to rhamilton@washingtoncountytx.gov or otherwise deliver it to our office.

      Homeowner Maintenance of Aerobic System Training.  Successful completion of this course satisfies Washington County training requirement for homeowners wanting to maintain their own aerobic septic system, rather than hiring a maintenance provider.



      Septic systems are designed based on water usage rates and wastewater strength. If you are on a public water system, providing a copy of your water records from the previous twelve months to your septic designer/installer and our office will help insure that the system is sized correctly.

      Frequently Asked Questions about OSSFs

      To help keep your septic system working properly or if it does not appear to be working well, see our Septic System Troubleshooting Guide.

      Septic system components must be installed certain distances from other features, such as water wells.  For a complete list, see 
      Minimum Required Separation Distances.

      The TCEQ compiles a list of court judgements against OSSF licensees that may be viewed here: List of OSSF Licensing Court Judgements

      Funding assistance with the cost of septic system installation or repair for low income and indigent persons click here for information.

  • We administer floodplain determination & floodplain development permitting for property located in unincorporated areas of Washington County.

    Because Washington County participates in the National Flood Insurance Program, a permit and authorization are required before any development/construction within the floodplain begins.

    Development/construction occurring outside the floodplain does not require a floodplain permit.

    To apply for a floodplain determination/floodplain development permit, click on the following link

    Floodplain Determination/Development Permit 

    Floodplain Services Directory

    Please email completed application towcrboffice@washingtoncountytx.gov

    See Fee Schedule for payment amount, all fees are non-refundable

    To pay online: Go to Certified Payments (enter Bureau Code 9235584 and Account Number 1 if needed).

    To pay by phone: Call Certified Payments toll-free at 1-866-549-1010 (enter Bureau Code 9235584 and Account Number 1 when prompted).

    For assistance with online and phone payments, call Certified Payments at 1-866-539-2020.

    The permit application, fee, and planning materials must be submitted to this office for review and authorization before work begins.


      Floodplain maps of Washington County are available online from several sources.

      1. The floodplain may be viewed on the Washington County Engineering and Development Services Web Map Application.  After opening the map, select "Washington County Floodplain" from the Layers List.

      2. The floodplain may be viewed on the Washington County Appraisal District Interactive Map.  After opening the map, select "Floodplain" from the Map Contents Layer List.

      3. The Flood Insurance Rate Map (FIRM) is available from FEMA’s Flood Map Service Center.

      Option A: Enter an address, a place, or longitude/latitude coordinates for the location, and click “Search”.

      Option B: If the address is unknown, or you want to see a list of all flood maps for a given jurisdiction, click “Search All Products”.

      4. The FEMA flood hazard file is available in Google Earth.  You must first have Google Earth installed on your computer before downloading and viewing the FEMA flood hazard file.  Click this “Stay Dry” link for information and instructions.


      Washington County Rules for Flood Damage Prevention (County Order)


      Base Level Engineering (BLE) data has been developed for some areas of Washington County that includes estimated Base Flood Elevations, and Flood Depths.  BLE results are available for use by the public on the Estimated Base Flood Elevation Viewer.

      For floodplain information on property in the City of Brenham contact City of Brenham Development Services.

      For floodplain information on property in the City of Burton email Burton City Secretary at burtonsecr@cityofburton-tx.gov or call 979-289-3400.

      Find floodplain administrators in other areas here. 

      Reduce Flood Risk is an online interactive flood mitigation resource that aims to help property owners better understand their flood risk and the most effective flood mitigation strategies for their particular property.

      TexasFlood.org is a website of the Texas Water Development Board that provides flood-related data and information on what to do before, during, and after a flooding event.

      Additional permits may be required to comply with state, and federal regulations for development within areas designated as wetlands.  For information on wetlands determination and regulation see the U.S. Army Corps of Engineers.  For information on flood insurance see the National Flood Insurance Program or contact an insurance agent.


    We administer prescribed burn permitting in unincorporated areas of Washington County.
    Prescribed Burn Permits are required only when a Burn Ban is in effect.


    Prescribed Burns that occur when there is not a Burn Ban do not require a permit.


    Burn Ban Status


    Prescribed Burn Permitting Information


    Prescribed Burn Permitting Procedures


    Prescribed Burn Services Directory

    To apply for a prescribed burn permit, click on the following link


    Prescribed Burn Permit


    Please email completed application towcrboffice@washingtoncountytx.gov

    See Fee Schedule for payment amount, all fees are non-refundable

    To pay online: Go to Certified Payments (enter Bureau Code 9235584 and Account Number 1 if needed).

    To pay by phone: Call Certified Payments toll-free at 1-866-549-1010 (enter Bureau Code 9235584 and Account Number 1 when prompted).

    For assistance with online and phone payments, call Certified Payments at 1-866-539-2020.

    The permit application, fee, and burn plan must be submitted to this office for review and authorization before the burn is conducted.


    Subdivisions and other Developments in the unincorporated areas of Washington County are administered by Washington County Engineering and Development Services; they are the main point of contact.  Our division, the Environmental Health Office, reviews these proposals for compliance with floodplain and on-site sewage facility (OSSF) standards.

    Please contact Washington County Engineering and Development Services to be routed to the correct person if you have any questions.

    The purpose of the floodplain review is to identify Special Flood Hazard Areas (SFHA), and to reduce hazards, loss of life, and property damage within flood-prone areas. 

    The purpose of the OSSF review is to evaluate the overall suitability on lots that will use OSSFs for sewage disposal.

    Subdivision-Development FP-OSSF Guidance


    We work to enforce a number of state and local laws concerning illegal waste dumping, outdoor burning, junk vehicles, dilapidated structures, and other public nuisances throughout the unincorporated areas of Washington County.  Our enforcement strategy requires us to make choices about where to spend time and money for the best public benefit, and we strive to apply laws and regulations with integrity and fairness to all.


    Illegal Dumping, it's Costing You!


    Burn Ban Status

    Outdoor Burning Guidelines

    Texas Constitution and Statutes

    Texas Administrative Code

    Texas State Law Library

    Washington County does not enforce deed restrictions.  Enforcement of such restrictions and covenants is typically initiated by the affected person by proceedings at law against the person violating the restriction or covenant, either to restrain violation or to recover damages.

    To report an incident outside normal business hours, call 979-277-7373

    In the event of an emergency dial 9-1-1


Washington County Engineering and Development Services Web Map Application


If you experience problems using our webpage, please notify Mark Marzahn by email at mmarzahn@washingtoncountytx.gov or by phone at 979-277-6290 x3.